Game Boy


1 min read

jsGB: A GameBoy emulator in JavaScript

jsGB is an interpretive emulator of the GameBoy, designed to be run from within a web browser. Yes, it's written in JavaScript.

Current status:

  • The emulator is currently hard-coded to load a particular ROM; it should be possible at some point to develop a fancy dialog for display and loading of the ROMs available at the server.
  • CPU: Emulated, including the CB-page opcodes. There are likely to be opcodes in the standard lists that are missing, and the "undocumented" ops will be missing.
  • Graphics: Backgrounds and sprites emulated, windows missing.
  • Keypad: Working.
  • Timer: Untested.
  • Interrupts: VBlank and timer emulated.
  • Sound: Missing.

Tested browsers:

  • FireFox 3.6
  • Opera 10


  • Pan/ATX, nocash et al: Padocs DMG specification document
  • Sean Young, Vrije University: Z80 opcode map
  • Mostek Inc: Z80 timings
  • Pat Fagan: Diffsheet from Z80 to GameBoy Z80
  • Kevin Matney, UIUC: Microscopic dump of DMG BIOS
  • Arvidsson, Eklund, Murphy: ExCanvas for IE
  • Andy Na: XHR binary file transfer

Article dated: 22nd Jul 2010 read more in this article...